Geocaching Dosen-Futter

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Pathtags feed

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The rule of geocaching states that if you trade an item from the geocache you should replace it with something of equal or better value. Trading items range from childrens toys, keychains, small tools, games etc.

There is one exception that has an ID code and is still considered trading swag, known as PathTags. These microcoin-sized items (1" diameter) have a small hole in them and on the back a unique ID code.

Even though they look like small geocoins they are not. If you find one, you can keep it. Trade for equal or better like any other trading item. Besides, Pathtags are collectable!

You can collect, trade and track your Pathtags at

Some more information you can find on Wiki/Pathtag and What Are Pathtags?

Pathtag Notre Dame and Firefighters
€4.00 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Notre Dame  and Firefighters

Pathtag Notre Dame and Firefighters

[Product Details...]

Pathtag La Valenciana
€3.00 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag La Valenciana

Pathtag La Valenciana

[Product Details...]

Pathtag FTF Salamander
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag FTF Salamander

Pathtag FTF Salamander

[Product Details...]

Pathtag Grimms Fairy Tales
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Grimms Fairy Tales

Pathtag Grimms Fairy Tales

[Product Details...]

Pathtag Grimms Märchen Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Grimms Märchen Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
Pathtag Grimms Märchen Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren
[Product Details...]

Pathtag The Straw, the Coal and the Bean
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag The Straw, the Coal and the Bean

Pathtag The Straw, the Coal and the Bean

[Product Details...]

Pathtag Snowflake red
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Snowflake red

Pathtag Snowflake red

[Product Details...]

Pathtag "Schneeflocke" pink
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag "Schneeflocke" pink
Pathtag Snowflake pink
[Product Details...]

Pathtag Snowflake green
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Snowflake green

Pathtag Snowflake green

[Product Details...]

Pathtag "Weihnachtsflamingo"
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag "Weihnachtsflamingo"
Flamingo Pathtag
[Product Details...]

Pathtag "Spring"
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag "Spring"
Pathtag "Spring"
[Product Details...]

Pathtag "Weihnachtshäschen"
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag "Weihnachtshäschen"
Holiday Bunny Pathtag
[Product Details...]

Love is in the air Pathtag
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Love is in the air Pathtag
Love is in the air Pathtag
[Product Details...]

Pathtag "Pilz"
€2.50 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag "Pilz"
Pilz Pathtag
[Product Details...]

Pathtag Schlüsselanhänger
€4.90 (including 20 % VAT)
Pathtag Schlüsselanhänger
Pathtag Schlüsselanhänger golden
[Product Details...]

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Results 1 - 15 of 19